Tag Archives: advertising

Cunning Crackers: Marketing and Wheat Thins

21 May

Wheat Thins. I hate to love them so much because they play with my mind and taste buds. When I was younger I was hesitant to try the snack food because it contained the word “wheat” in the title. Honestly, wheat scared me as a kid who was raised on white bread. Nowadays, all I eat are wheat related products (as opposed to white bread) because I want to live a healthier lifestyle (whatever that means). However, my world came crashing down when I found out that Wheat Thins were not really a healthy product or snacking option. When I first saw them sitting on the shelf at the grocery store I looked at the title and subconsciously broke it down:

Wheat– healthy, whole grain, good for you

Thin– every woman’s assumed desire and aspiration in life

There you go. The ideal snack to avoid getting fat, or so I thought (and I am sure I am not the only person in America/the World who was somewhat tricked into believing this about Wheat Thins). Newsflash: Wheat Thins don’t actually make you thinner. In fact they have very little nutritional value whatsoever (but they are one hundred percent tasty). However, I can guarantee that many people are still buying box after box after box because they believe in the snack’s health value and what they presume it will do for their lifestyle. This just goes to show how much is assumed about a product based on its title and the way it is marketed. This is why I am so drawn to the world of marketing and advertising, because it is deceptive. One day I hope to work with a company such as the ever cruel Nabisco to draw in people such as myself who are willing to trick their mind into believing what they want it to believe. #sneaky